Differnece between JDK JRE and JVM

Let us understant what are these. For your sake let us know what these actually stands for.

  • JDK = Java Developmet Kit
  • JRE = Java Runtime Environment
  • JVM = Java Virtual Machine

All these three interdependent and there is no common point,. So it so not effective to state difference tabel form. So I will expalin as paragraphs.


Jvm is bascially specification that provides a runtime environment in which java byte code can be executed. Thatmeans it is the engine that which is abstract and it implementatino is independent to choose the algorithm and has been provided by SUN ant other compaines. It is jvm which is reponsible for the converting BYTE CODE to machin code. It can also run those programs which are wirtten in other languaages and compiled to java BYTECODE. The JVM performs the mentioned taks.

  1. Loads code
  2. Verify code
  3. Excute code
  4. Provides runtime environment.


JRE is hte implementation of JVM. The specifications which are diefimed in JVM are implemented and creates corresponding environment for the execution of code JRE comprises mainly java binaries and othe classes to execute programms alike of jvm it physically exists. Along with Java binaries JRE also consists of Various Technologies of deployment, user interfaces to interact with code executed, same base libaries for different funtionalities and language and util based libraries.


JDK is which includes all the tools, executable and binaries required to complile,debug and exectue a Java Programm. JDK is platform dependent. There is a separate installer for Windows, Mac, and Unix Systesms. 

JVM and JRE are the part of JDK and JVM and JRE are entirely reponsible for code execution. 

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